1. H. Chandrasekaran and R. Nagarajan, Influence of Flank Wear on the Stresses in a Cutting Tool, Trans.ASME, J. of Engg. for Ind., p-566 (1977).
2. A.J. Pekelharing, The Exit Failure in Interrupted Cutting, Ann. of CIRP, 27/1, PP 5–10 (1978).
3. E. Usui, T. Sirakashi and T. Hara, Analytical Prediction of Entry-Chipping in Interrupted Turning Operation, Proc. of 4 ICPE, Tokyo, Aug. (1980), pp 474-479
4. H. Chandrasekaran and R. Nagarajan, On Certain Aspects of Transient Stresses in Cutting Tools, Trans, of ASME, J.of Engg. for Ind., pp 133-141 (1980).
5. K. Uhehara and Y. Kanda, On the Chipping Phenomena of Carbide Cutting Tools, Ann. of CIRP, 25/1 pp 11–16, (1977).