1. C.G. Lomas 1986 Fundamentals of Hot Wire Anemometry, 211 pp. Cambr. Univ. Press.
2. A. Perry 1982 Hot-Wire Anemometry, Clarendon, Oxford. V.A. Sandborn 1972 Resistance Temperature Transducers, 346 pp. Metrology Press, Fort ColIons, Colorado.
3. A.V. Smolyakov & V.M Tkachenko 1983 The Measurement of Turbulent Fluctuations — An Introduction to Hot-Wire Anemometry and Related Transducers, 298 pp. Springer.
4. P. Bradshaw 1971 An Introduction to Turbulence and its Measurement, Ch. 5, The Hot-Wire Anemometer, pp. 106-133, Pergamon.
5. G. Compte-Bellot 1976 Hot-Wire Anemometry, Ann. Rev. Fluid Mech., 8, pp.209–231.