1. W. Brandt and R. H. Ritchie. Initial Interaction Mechanisms in the Physical Stage. In Physical Mechanisms in Radiation Biology, Proceedings of a conference held at Airlie, Virginia, 11–14 October 1972. U.S. Atomic Energy Commission, ‘Ièchnical Information Center, Oak Ridge, Tennessee (1974).
2. J. B. Pendry. Low Energy Electron Difraction: The Theory and its Application to Determination of Surface Structure, Academic Press, New York (1974).
3. J. B. Pendry. Theory of Photoemission, Surf. Sci. 57: 679–705 (1976).
4. See also J. B. Pendry and E. Castano, Electronic Properties of Disordered Materials: A Symmetric Group Approach, J. Phys. C21: 4333 (1988).
5. M. J. Berger. Some Newfansport Calculations of the Deposition of Energy in Biological Materials by Low-Energy Electrons. Fourth Symposium on Microdosimeny (J. Booz, et al. Eds.), CEC, EUR 5122 d-e-f:695–715 (1974).