1. N. H. Froula, “The Hugoniot Equation of State of S-200 Beryllium to 1000°F,” Report MSL-68-l6, General Motors Corporation, Materials and Structures Laboratory, July 1968.
2. D. R. Christman and F. J. Feistman, “Dynamic Properties of S-200-E Beryllium,” Report MSL-71-23, General Motors Corporation, Materials and Structures Laboratory, February 1972.
3. B. D. Jenrette and K. C. Lockhart, “Hugoniot Curves and Spall Experimental Results for Beryllium S-200 Produced by Brush and Berylco,” Report B-72-67-47, Lockheed Missiles and Space Company, 20 Feb. 1968.
4. J. W. Taylor, “Stress Wave Profiles in Several Metals,” Dislocation Dynamics, edited by A. R. Rosenfield, G. T. Holman, A. L. Bement, Jr., and R. I. Jaffee, McGraw-Hill Book Co., New York, 1968.
5. R. L. Warnica, “Spallation Thresholds of S-200 Beryllium, ATJ-S Graphite and Isotropic Boron Nitride at 75°F, 500°F and 1000°F, Report MSL-68-18, General Motors Corporation, Materials and Structures Laboratory, July 1968.