1. Watkins, P. R. D., ‘A review of the calculations performed for the design and shielding of the Petten BNCT facility’, given at the International Workshop ‘Towards Clinical Trials of Glioma with BNCT’, 18–20 September 1991, Petten, The Netherlands.
2. Perks, C. A., & H. J. Delafield, ‘Neutron energy spectrometry measurements in the Petten HFR HB11 neutron beam’, ibid.
3. Perks, C. A., & J. A. B. Gibson, ‘Neutron spectrometry and dosimetry for BNCT’, Seventh Symposium on Neutron Dosimetry, Berlin, 14–18 October 1991.
4. Crawford, J. F., et al, Workshop on NCT, Essen, FRG, 28–29 February 1992; Strahlentherapie & Onkologie, in press.
5. Beynon, T. D., University of Birmingham, School of Physics and Space Research, Edgebaston, Birmingham B15 2TT, UK.