1. Alessandrini, M. E.: Pesticide residues and toxicological aspects on the control of Dacus fly. Presented at “Fourth F AO Meeting on the Control of Olives Pests”. Tel Aviv, Israel, 5—12 December 1960.
2. ––– Insecticide residues in olive oils and table olives from efforts to control the olive fly. Residue Reviews 1, 92 (1962).
3. –––, M. E., M. Doretti, and G. F. Lanforti: Insecticide residues in samples of peeled canned tomatoes in connection with experiments carried out in Italy in 1958 on the control of Heliothis armigera. Presented at symposium “Food Additives and Pesticides Residues in Food”, 17th Internat. Congress Pure and Appi. Chem. München, Germany, 30 August—6 September 1959.
4. Alessandrini, M., and A. Sampaolo: Metabolism of Rogor (dimethoate) in olive and olive oil. Presented at symposium “Analysis, Degradation and Metabolism of Pesticides”, 17th Internat. Congress Pure and Appi. Chem. Montreal, Canada, 5—12 August 1961.
5. Bachmann, F.: Phosphamidon, ein neues Phosphorsaure-Ester mit systemisdher Wirkung. Proc. 4th Internat. Congr. Crop Protection. Hamburg, 8—15 September 1957.