1. Allison, R. (1963) Parasite epidemics affecting channel Catfish. Proceedings of the 17th Annual Southeastern Association of Game and Fish Committee, pp. 346–7
2. Amend, D. (1969) Progress in Sport Fishery Research. US Bureau of Sport, Fish and Wildlife, Resource Publication 88, Washington DC, p. 74
3. Amlacher, E. (1961) Textbook of Fish Disease. T.F.H. Publications, Neptune NJ, 302 pp., English Translation
4. Amlacher, E. (1970) Textbook of Fish Diseases (Translated by D.A. Conroy and R.L. Kerman). T.F.H. Publications Inc., Jersey City, New Jersey
5. Andai, G. (1933) Über Costianecatrix. Archives, Protistenk B.D. 79, pt. 2