1. D. J. Thompson, An x-ray synchrotron radiation source for Europe, Proceedings of the 1979 Particle Accelerator Conference-San Francisco, in IEEE Trans. Nucl. Sci. 26, 3809–3811 (1979); European Science Foundation; Reports on a European Synchrotron Radiation Facility, May 1979: Y. Farges, The feasibility study; Y. Farges and P. J. Duke (eds.), The scientific case; D. J. Thompson and M. W. Poole (eds.), The machine; B. Buras and G. V. Marr (eds.), instrumentation.
2. M. Sands, Proc. Int. Sch. Phys. “Enrico Fermi”
46, 257–411 (1970). Also, SLAC Report 121 (Nov. 1970).
3. S. Krinsky, L. Blumberg, J. Bittner, J. Galayda, R. Heese, and A. van Steenbergen, Design status of the 2.5-GeV National Synchrotron Radiation Light Source x-ray ring, Proceedings of the 1979 Particle Accelerator Conference-San Francisco, in IEEE Trans. Nucl. Sci. 26, 3806–3808 (1979).
4. L. Blumberg, J. Bittner, J. Galayda, R. Heese, S. Krinsky, J. Schuchman, and A. van Steenbergen, National Synchrotron Light Source VUV storage ring lattice, Proceedings of the 1979 Particle Accelerator Conference-San Francisco, in IEEE Trans. Nucl. Sci.
26, 3842 - 3845 (1979).
5. D. J. Thompson, The sxs: Progress report on the dedicated synchrotron radiation source at Dares-bury and operation of a 600-MeV booster, Proceedings of the 1979 Particle Accelerator Conference-San Francisco, in IEEE Trans. Nucl. Sci. 26, 3803–3805 (1979).