1. W. E. Johnston, D. E. Hall, F. Renema, and D. W. Robertson, Principles and techniques for low cost computer generated video movies, Proceedings, Third Computer Graphics Workshop, USENIX Association, Monterey, CA (1986).
2. D. Fink, Editor, “Color Television Standards: Selected Papers and Records of the National Television System Committee,” McGraw-Hill, 1955.
3. D. Robertson, Use of a distributed movie making system for presentation of fluid flow data, San Francisco State University, San Francisco, CA (Masters Thesis—available as LBL-25274 from Lawrence Berkeley Laboratory) (1988).
4. G. Fischer, Editor, “Mathematical Models,” Friedr. Vieweg and Sohn Verlagsgesellschaft mbH, Braumschweig, Germany, 1986.
5. W. E. Johnston, D. E. Hall, J. Huang, M. Rible and D. Robertson, Distributed scientific video movie making, Proceedings of the Supercomputing Conference, (The Computer Society of the IEEE) (1988).