1. Cotton, Ira and F. S. Greatorex, “Data structures and techniques for remote computer graphics”, Proceedings 1969 Fall Joint Computer Conference, AFIPS, Volume 35, November 1969, pp.533–544.
2. Dertouzos, Michael L., “Character generation from resistive storage of time derivatives”, Proceedings 1969 Fall Joint Computer Conference, AFIPS, Volume 35, November 1969, pp. 561–568.
3. Information Display, “ID fieadout”, Information Display, January/February 1969, Volume 6, Number 1, pg. 60.
4. Macaulay, Malcolm, “A Low Cost Computer Graphic Terminal”, Proceedings 1968 Fall Joint Computer Conference, Part One, AFIPS, Volume 33, December 1968, pp. 777–785.
5. Miller, James C. and Charles M. Wine, “A Simple Display for Characters and Graphics”, IEEE Transactions on Computers, May 1968, Volume C-17, Number 5, pp. 470–475.