1. W. R. Grimes, “Molten Salt Reactor Chemistry,” Nud. Appl. Tech. 8, 137 (1970).
2. A. P. Fraas, “Conceptual Design of the Blanket and Shield Region of a Full Scale Toroidal Fusion Reactor,” ORNL-TM-3096, Oak Ridge National Laboratory, 1972.
3. M. S. Lubell et al., “Engineering Design Studies on Superconducting Magnet System of a Tokamak Fusion Reactor,” Proceedings of the 4th Conf. on Plasma Physics and Controlled Nuclear Fusion Research, Vol. 3, p. 4–33 (1971), IAEA Publication CN-28/K-10.
4. E. S. Bettis and Roy C. Robertson, “The Design and Performance. Features of a Single-Fluid Molten-Salt Breeder Reactor,” Nucl. Appl. Tech. 8, 190 (1970).
5. W. R. Grimes, “Materials Problems in Molten Salt Reactors” in Materials and Fuels for High Temperature Nuclear Energy Applications, ed. by M. T. Simnad and L. R. Zumvalt, The M.I.T. Press, Mass (1969).