1. Crow, W. C., “Stability Theory for a Pair of Trailing Vortices”, AIAA Paper No. 70–53 [January, 1970 ].
2. Landahl, M. and S. Widnall, “Vortex Control”, Symposium on Aircraft Wake Turbulence, September 1970.
3. Van Dyke, M., Perturbation Methods in Fluid Mechanics, Academic Press, New York, [ 1964 ].
4. Thomson, Sir W. (Lord Kelvin), “Vibrations of a Columnar Vortex”, Mathematical and Physical Papers, Volume IV, Cambridge University Press, Cambridge, England, [ 1910 ].
5. Lamb, Sir. H., Hydrodynamics, Dover Publications, Inc., New York, [ 1945 ].