1. Smith, T. B., and K. M. Beesmer, “Contrail Studies for Jet Aircraft.” Meteorology Research, Inc., Altadena, Calif., Final Report to AFCRL, Cont. AF 19(604)-1495, AD 110 278, 1959.
2. Smith, T. B., and P. B. MacCready, Jr., “Aircraft Wakes and Diffusion Enhancement.” Meteorology Research, Inc., Altadena, Calif., Part B, Final Report to Dugway Proving Ground, Dugway, Utah, Cont. DA-42–007-CML-545, 1963.
3. Smith, T. B., and M. A. Wolf, “Vertical Diffusion from an Elevated Line Source over a Variety of Terrains.” Part A, Final Report to Dugway Proving Ground, Dugway, Utah, Cont. DA-42–007-CML-545, AD 418 599, 1963.
4. MacCready, P. B., Jr., T. B. Smith, and M. A. Wolf, “Vertical Diffusion from a Low Altitude Line Source - Dallas Tower Studies.” Meteorology Research, Inc., Final Report to U.S. Army Dugway Proving Ground, Dugway, Utah, Cont. DA-42–007-CML-432, AD 298 260 (Vol. I) and AD 298 261 (Vol. II ), 1961.
5. Crow, S. C., “Stability Theory for a Pair of Trailing Vortices.” Boeing Scientific Research Laboratories Document D1–82–0918, 1970.