1. E. Artin. Über eine neue Art von L-Reihen. Abh. aus d. math. Seminar d. Univ. Hamburg, 1923, 3:89–108, 1923. Reprinted in Papers, 105–124.
2. W. Burnside. Theory of Groups of Finite Order. The Univeristy Press, Cambridge, 1897.
3. W. Burnside. Theory of Groups of Finite Order. The University Press, Cambridge, 2nd edition, 1911.
4. C. W. Curtis. Pioneers of Representation Theory: Frobenius, Burnside, Schur and Brauer. American Mathematical Society, 1999.
5. R. Dedekind. Sur la théorie des nombres entiers algébriques. Gauthier–Villars, Paris, 1877. First published in volumes (1) XI and (2) I of Bulletin des sciences mathématiques. A partial reprint (that excludes in particular Dedekind’s chapter on modules) is given in Dedekind’s Werke 3, 262–313. An English translation of the entire essay, together with a lengthy historical and expository introduction, is available as [120].