1. U.S. Dept. of Trans., Fed. Highway Admin., “Highway Bridge Replacement and Rehabilitation Program: Sixth Annual Report to Congress,” Tech. Rpt. Senate Doc. 99-12, U.S. Gov. Printing Office, Washington, D.C., 1985.
2. G.R. Cudney, “The Effects of Loading on Bridge Life,” Michigan Department of State Highways, Res. Rept. R-638.
3. D.S. Hughes and J.S. Kelly, Phys. Rev., Vol. 92(5), p. 1145, (1953).
4. D. Crecraft, Ultrasonics, Vol. 6(2), p. 117, (1968).
5. R.B. Thompson, W-Y Lu and A.V. Clark, SEM Monograph in Techniques for Residual Stress Measurement: Chapter 7 Ultrasonic Techniques, to be published by Soc. for Experimental Mech.