1. J.G. Hust, “Thermal Conductivity and Electrical Resistivity, Standard Reference Materials: Tungsten (4 to 3000 K),” High Temp. High Pressures 8, 377–390 (1976).
2. J.G. Hust and P.J. Giarratano, “Standard Reference Materials: Thermal Conductivity and Electrical Resistivity, Standard Reference Materials: Austenitic Stainless Steels, SRM 735 and 798, from 4 to 1200 K,” NBS Special Publication 260–45 (1975).
3. M.J. Laubitz, “Measurements of the Thermal Conductivity of Solids at High Temperatures using Steady State Linear and Quasilinear Heat Flow,” p. 111, Ref.4.
4. M.J. Laubitz, “Axial Heat Flow Methods of Measuring Thermal Conductivity,” p. 11, Ref. 5.
5. D.L. McElroy and J.P. Moore, “Radial Heat Flow Methods for the Measurement of the Thermal Conductivity of Solids,” p. 186, Ref. 3.