1. F.G. Karioris and B.R. Fish, “Uranium Oxide Smoke from Exploding Wires” (Abstract), Health Physics, Vol. 4, p. 197, 1960.
2. B.R. Fish and F.G. Karioris, “Inhalation of U308 Smoke from Exploding Wires” (Abstract), Health Physics, Vol. 6, p. 235, 1961.
3. F.G. Karioris and B.R. Fish, “An Exploding Wire Aerosol Generator,” J. Col. Sci., Vol. 17, pp. 155 - 161, 1962.
4. W.G. Chace and E.H. Cullington, “Instrumentation for Studies of the Exploding Wire Phenomenon,” AFCRC-TR-57-235 Air Force Cambridge Research Center, Geophysics Research Directorate, Bedford, Massachusetts, August, 1957.
5. J.H. Park, “Shunts and Inductors for Surge Current Measurements,” J. Res. Natl. Bur. Standards, Vol. 39, p. 191, September, 1947.