1. Breidenbach, A.W., CG. Gunnerson, F.K. Kawahara, J.J. Lichtenberg, and R.S. Green. 1967. Chlorinated hydrocarbon pesticides in major river basins, 1957–65. U.S. Public Health Service, Public Health Report 82, 139–156.
2. I.J.C. 1969. Pollution of Lake Erie, Lake Ontario and the International Section of the St. Lawrence River. Vol. 2: Lake Erie; and, Vol. 3: Lake Ontario and the International Section of the St. Lawrence River. Reports by the Water Pollution Board, pp. 316 and 329, respectively.
3. I.J.C. 1977a. Great Lakes Water Quality Board Annual Report. 1976. Appendix E: Status report on the persistent toxic pollutants in the Lake Ontario basin, p.95.
4. I.J.C. 1977b. The Waters of Lake Huron and Superior. Vol II: Lake Huron, Georgian Bay and the North Channel; and, Vol. III: Lake Superior. Reports of the Upper Lakes Reference Group, pp. 743 and 575, respectively.
5. I.J.C. 1978. Environmental Management Strategy for the Great Lakes System. Final report of the Pollution from Land Use Activities Reference Group. pp.115.