1. K. Abrahamson. private communication. May, 1992.
2. K. Abrahamson, R. Downey and M. Fellows. Fixed-Parameter Intractability II. In Proceedings 10th Annual Symposium on Theoretical Aspects of Computer Science, (STACS’ 93). Springer-Verlag Lecture Notes in Computer Science, (1993), 374 – 385.
3. K. Abrahamson, R. Downey and M. Fellows. Fixed-Parameter Tractability and Completeness IV: On Completeness for W[P] and PSPACE Analogues. To appear in Annals Pure and Applied Logic.
4. K. Abrahamson and M. Fellows. Finite Automata, Bounded Treewidth and Well-Quasiordering. Graph Structure Theory, ed. N. Robertson and P. Seymour. Contemporary Mathematics Vol
147. American Mathematical Society, Rhode Island, (1993) 539 – 564.
5. G. B. Agnew, R. C. Mullin, I. M. Onyszchuk and S. A. Vanstone. An Implementation for a Fast Public-Key Cryptosystem. J. Cryptology3 (1991), 63 – 79.