1. S. Bellantoni, “Predicative Recursion and Computational Complexity”, PhD Thesis, University of Toronto, 1992. Available as Technical Report 264/92, Department of Computer Science, University of Toronto.
2. S. Bellantoni, “Further Complexity Characterizations Using Predicative Recursion”, Manuscript, 1992.
3. S. Bellantoni and S. Cook, “A New Recursion-Theoretic Characterization of the Polytime Functions”, computational complexityv. 2, p. 97–110, 1992. Extended Abstract appeared in Proc. 24th Symposium on the Theory Of Computing, 1992.
4. S. Bloch, “Functional Characterizations of Uniform Log-depth and Polylogdepth Circuit Families”, in Annual Conference on Structure in Complexity Theory, 1992.
5. S. Bloch, Divide and Conquer in Parallel Complexity and Proof Theory, Ph.D. Thesis, Department of Mathematics, University of California at San Diego, 1992.