1. Systems Network Architecture Format and Protocol Reference Manual: Architecture Logic, Order Number SC30–3112, IBM Corp., Data Processing Div., White Plains, NY 10504.
2. E. H. Sussenguth, “Systems network architecture: A perspective,” in ICCC 1978 Conf. Proc., Kyoto, Japan, 1978.
3. R. J. Cypser, Communications Architecture for Distributed Systems. Reading, MA: Addison-Wesley, 1978.
4. P. E. Green, Jr., “The structure of computer networks,” and this book, Chapter 1, also in IBM Syst. J., vol. 18, pp. 202–222, 1979.
5. Reference Model of Open Systems Architecture, Int. Standards Org. Document ISO/TC97/XC16/N117,Nov. 1978.