1. Wisconsin Superconductive Energy Storage Project, Vol. II (K. T. Hartwig, ed.), University of Wisconsin, Madison, Wisconsin (1976).
2. Wisconsin Superconductive Energy Storage Project, 1976 Annual Report (K. T. Hartwig, ed.), University of Wisconsin, Madison, Wisconsin (1977).
3. S. G. Ladkany, in Advances in Cryogenic Engineering, Vol. 24, Plenum Press, New York (1978), p. 374.
4. D. L. Cheever, D. G. Howden, and R. E. Monroe, “A Manufacturing Process for Producing High-Quality Electrical Strip from Ultrahigh Purity Aluminum for Magnet Applications,” AFML-TR-68-358, Air Force Materials Laboratory, Wright-Patterson Air Force Base, Ohio (1968).
5. D. L. Cheever, D. G. Howden, and R. E. Monroe, Weld. J. 50:25-s (1971).