1. Beigel, Richard (1987). Query-Limited Reducibilities. PhD thesis, Stanford University. Also available as Report No. STAN-CS-88–1221.
2. Beigel, Richard (1988). When are k + 1 queries better than k? Technical Report 88-06, The Johns Hopkins University, Dept. of Computer Science.
3. Beigel, Richard, Gasarch, William, Gill, John, and Owings, James (1993). Terse, superterse, and verbose sets. Information and Computation, 103(1):68–85.
4. Beigel, Richard, Gasarch, William, Kummer, Martin, Martin, Georgia, McNicholl, Timothy, and Stephan, Frank (2000). The complexity of ODDn a;?. Journal of Symbolic Logic, pages 1–18.
5. Beigel, Richard, Gasarch, William, Kummer, Martin, Martin, Georgia, McNicholl, Timothy, and Stephan, Frank (1996). On the query complexity of sets. In 21st International Symposium on Mathematical Foundations of Computer Science (MFCS ′96), Cracow, Poland.