1. Winterbon, K.B., Sigmund, P., and Sanders, J.B., Klg. Danske Vid. Selskab. Mat. Fys. Medd. 37, n° l4 (1970). Winterbon, K.B., private communication.
2. Brice, D.K., Rad. Eff. 11, 51 and 227, (1971).
3. See for example Mayer, J.W., Eriksson, L., and Davis, J.A., Ion Implantation in Semiconductors, Academic Press, N.Y. (1971)
4. Rühle, M.R., and Wilkens, M., Pbil. Mag. 15, 1075 (1967).
5. Norris, D.I.R., Phil. Mag. 19, 527–653 (1969).