1. S. R. Santaniello, F. R. DiNapoli, R. K. Dullea and P. D. Herstein, “Studies on the Interaction of Low Frequency Acoustic Signals with the Ocean Bottom”, Geophysics, Vol. 44, No. 12, December (1979).
2. F. R. DiNapoli, “Fast Field Program for Multilayered Media”, NUSC Report No. 4103, 26 August (1971).
3. F. R. DiNapoli and R. L. Deavenport, “Theoretical and Numerical Green’s Function Field Solution in a Plane Multilayered Medium”, J. Acoust. Soc. Am., Vol. 67, January (1980).
4. F. R. DiNapoli, unpublished work in conjunction with data supplied by P. Stoffa of Lamont Doherty Geological Observatory.
5. E. L. Hamilton, “Acoustic Properties of the Sea Floor: A Review”, Oceanic Acoustic Modeling Conference, Part 4 Sea Bottom, Saclantcen Conference Proceedings No. 17, 15 October (1975).