1. ‘CDC CYBER 200 Fortran Version 2 Reference Manual, ’ Control Data Corporation. 1983.
2. B. Brode, ‘Precompilation of FORTRAN Programs to Facilitate Array Processing, ’ IEEE Computer, pp 46–52, September 1981.
3. D. Kuck, R. Kuhn, D. Padua, B. Leasure, M. Wolfe, ‘Dependence Graphs and Compiler Optimizations, ’ Proc. of the 8th ACM Symposium on Principles of Programming Languages, pp 207–218, January 1981.
4. C. Wetherell, ‘Design Consideration for Array Processing Languages, ’ Software-Practice and Experience, pp 265–272, April 1980.
5. R.H. Perrott, D.K. Stevenson, “Users’s Experiences with the ILLIAC IV System and its Programming Languages, ” SIGPLAN Notices, pp 75–88, July 1981.