1. C. C. Chamis, “Computer Code for the Analysis of Multilayered Fiber Composites — Users Manual,” NASA TN D-7013 (1971).
2. C. W. McCormick, ed., “NASTRAN User’s Manual (level 15), NASA SP-222(01) (1972).
3. S. S. Wang and J. F. Mandell., “Analysis of Delamination in Unidirectional and Crossplied Fiber Composites Containing Surface Cracks,” NASA CR-135248 (1977).
4. C. C. Chamis, “Residual Stresses in Angleplied Laminates and Their Effects on Laminate Behavior,” NASA TM-78835 (1978).
5. C. C. Chamis, R. F. Lark and J. H. Sinclair, “An Integrated Theory for Predicting the Hydrothermomechanical Response of Advanced Composite Structureal Components,” NASA TM-73812 (1977).