1. D. W. Oplinger and K. R. Gandhi, “Stresses in Mechanically Fastened Orthotropic Laminates,” in Proceedings of the Conference on Fibrous Composites in Flight Vehicle Design, Dayton, Ohio, 21–24 May 1974, Air Force Flight Dynamics Laboratory Report AFFDL-TR-74-103, p. 811–842 (September 1974) (AD BOOO 1351).
2. D. W. Oplinger and K. R. Gandhi, “Analytical Studies of Structural Performance in Mechanically Fastened Fiber-Reinforced Plates,” in Proceedings of the Army Symposium on Solid Mechanics, 1974: The Role of Mechanics in Design — Structural Joints, Army Materials and Mechanics Research Center, AMMRC MS 74-8, p. 211–242 (September 1974) (AD 786 543).
3. D. W. Oplinger, “Stress Analysis of Composite Joints,” in Proceedings of Fourth Army Materials Technology Conference, p. 405–451, Brook Hill Publishing Co., Chestnut Hill, Massachusetts (1975).
4. S. Lekhnitshii, “Theory of Elasticity of an Anisotropic Elastic Body,” Holden Day, San Francisco (1965).
5. O. Bowie and D. Neal, “A Modified Mapping Collocation Technique for Accurate Calculation of Stress Intensity Factors,” Army Materials and Mechanics Research Center, AMMRC TR 69-28 (November 1969).