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2. H. W. Godbee and D. S. Joy, “Assessment of the Loss of Radio-active Isotopes from Waste Solids to the Environment,” Part 1: Background and Theory, ORNL-TM-4333 (1974).
3. D. E. Griffing, “Progress Report on the Development of Models for the Description of Radionuclide Transport in Solids,” ARH-SA-190 REV (1974).
4. W. E. Merritt, “Management of Radioactive Wastes from the Nuclear Fuel Cycle,” Proc. of a Symposium, IAEA Vienna, pp. 27–36 (1976)
5. D. J. Bradley, “Leaching of Fully Radioactive High-Level Waste Glass,” PNL-2664, Battelle Pacific Northwest Laboratories, Richland, WA (1978).