1. W. W. Johnson and M. C. Jones, Measurements of Axial Heat Transport in Helium II with Forced Convection, in; “Advances in Cryogenic Engineering, Vol. 23,” Plenum, New York, (1978), p. 363.
2. NASA Contractor Report;S Caspi,1980
3. A. Khalil and S. W. Van Sciver, Heat Transport in Flowing Subcooled Helium II, in: “Proceedings of 9th International Cryogenic Engienering Conference,” Kobe, Japan, Butterworth & Co., U.K. (1983) p. 273.
4. J. C. Lottin and S. W. Van Sciver, Heat Transport Mechanisms in a 2.3 m Long Cooling Loop, in: “Proceedings of 9th International Cryogenic Engineering Conference,” Kobe, Japan, Butterworth & Co., U.K. (1983) p. 269.
5. F. London, “Superfluids Volume II, Macroscopic Theory of Superfluid Helium,” Dover Publications, New York (1954).