1. FAA Staff, “Failure Analysis and Failure Prevention in Electric Power Systems: First Annual Progress Report”, (August, 1975);(EPRI 217-1-IR1).
2. P.M. Besuner, “An Engineering Fracture Mechanics Analysis of the Pilgrim I Nozzle-To-Pressure Vessel Weld Discontinuities”, (October, 1975); (EPRI 217-1-TR6).
3. FAA Staff, “Failure Analysis and Failure Prevention in Electric Power Systems”, Final Report for Project RP217-1, (November, 1976); (EPRI NP-280).
4. FAA Staff, “Failure Analysis and Failure Prevention in Electric Power Systems”, Annual Report, Project RP700-1, (July, 1977 ).
5. I. Roman, et al., “A Study of Crack Growth Under Operational Conditions in Steam Turbine Steel: Phase 1 Report”, (July, 1976); (EPRI NP-325).