1. P. L. Walstrom and J. Maddocks, Use of Siemens KPY Pressure Sensors at Liquid Helium Temperatures, to be published in the Sept. 1987 issue of Cryogenics.
2. J. Wilks, “The Properties of Liquid and Solid Helium,” Clarendon Press, Oxford (1967), Table A5, p. 669.
3. H. Ito, Friction Factors for Turbulent Flow in Curved Pipes, J. Basic Eng. June 1959, p. 123.
4. S. W. Van Sciver, A. Kashani, and J. M. Pfotenhauer,“Technical Applications of He II,” Proc. of 11th Int. Cryogenic Eng. Conf., Berlin, April 1986.
5. B. J. Huang, Joule-Thomson Effect in Liquid He II, Cryogenics Aug. /Sept. 1986, vol. 26, p. 475.