1. Gualandi, D., and P. Jehenson, “Contribution to the Studies of the Technology of Al-Al2O3 Compounds with Regard to Nuclear Application,” paper presented to Third United Nations Conference on the Peaceful Uses of Atomic Energy, Geneva, May 1964.
2. “Euratom’s Scientific Activities. ORGEL Program Theoretical and Conceptual Studies,” Euratom Report No. Eur 1830 (1964).
3. Gualandi, D., and P. Jehenson, “Miglioramenti nella tecnologia di fabbricazione del SAP per ap-plicazioni nucleari,” Metallurgia Ital.
54: 291–299 (1962).
4. Gelli, D., D. Gualandi, and L. Mori, “Contribution à l’interprétation des courbes d’allongement du SAP sur la base d’un modèle viscoplastique,” paper presented at the Fall Meeting of the French Metallurgical Society, October 1964 (to be published in Revue de Métallurgie).
5. Guyot, P., “On the Mechanism of Plastic Deformation of SAP Type Alloys,” this volume, p.