1. C. E. Oberly, The Origin and Future of Composite Aluminum Conductors, to be published in Adv. Cryo. Eng., Vol 36.
2. R. P. Reed, A Cryostat for Tensile Tests in the Temperature Range 300 to 4 K, Adv. Cryo. Eng., 7:449 (1962).
3. P. Lehmann, G. S. Yuan, and K. T. Hartwig, Grip for Fatigue Testing Pure Aluminum, Cryogenics, 25:164 (1985).
4. A. F. Clark et al., Standard Reference Materials: The Eddy Current Method for Resistivity Characterization of High Purity Metals, NBS STP 260–39, May 1972.
5. C. Y. Hua and K. T. Hartwig, Resistivity Measurements in High Magnetic Fields by the Eddy Current Decay Method, accepted for publication in Cryogenics.