1. Z. C. Lin, H. Lee, and G. Wade, “Back-and-Forth Propagation for Diffraction Tomography,” IEEE Trans. Sonics Ultrason., vol. SU-31, pp. 626–634, 1984.
2. Z. C. Lin, H. Lee, and G. Wade, “Scanning Tomographic Acoustic Microscopy: A Review,” IEEE Trans. Sonics Ultrason., vol. SU-32, pp. 168–180, Mar. 1985.
3. Z. C. Lin, H. Lee, G. Wade, M. G. Oravecz, and L. W. Kessler, “Holographic Image Reconstruction in Scanning Laser Acoustic Microscopy,” IEEE Trans. Ultrason. Ferroelec. Freq. Contr., vol. UFFC-34, pp. 293–300, May 1987.
4. Hua Lee and Carlos Ricci, “Modification of the Scanning Laser Acoustic Microscope for Holographic and Tomographic Imaging,” Applied Physics Letters, 49(20), pp. 1336–1338, November 1986.
5. Zse Cherng Lin and Glen Wade, “Signal Processing and Image Reconstruction in Microscopic Holography,” IEEE Transactions on Acoustics, Speech, and Signal Processing, 35(7), July 1987, pp. 1037–1045.