1. Chaum, David, Computer Systems Established, Maintained and Trusted by Mutually Suspicious Groups, Memorandum UCB/ERL M79/10, UC Berkeley, February 1979, Also as dissertation.
2. Baran, Paul, On Distributed Communications: IX Security Secrecy and Tamper-Free Considerations, Memo RRM-3765-pr, Rand Corp., Santa Monica CA, August 1964.
3. Miska, Herbert, Command-Break Glass and Glass Ceramics, Corning Glass Works, Corning NY.
4. McManus, J., and Engel, A., Tamper Resistant Unattended Safeguards Techniques, IAEA Symposium on Progress in Safeguards Techniques, Karlsruhe Germany, July 1970.
5. Ney, J., Surveillance and Containment Instrumentation for International Safegaurds, Annual Meeting of the Institute of Nuclear Materials Management, Washington DC, June 1977.