1. G. C. Ternes and J. W. LaPatra, Introduction to Circuit Synthesis and Design, McGraw-Hill, New York (1967).
2. Bell Laboratories Members of Technical Staff, Transmission Systems for Communications, Western Electric Co., Winston-Salem N.C. (1970).
3. P. Bylanski and D. G. W. Ingram, Digital Transmission Systems, Peter Peregrinus Ltd., Stevenage England (1976).
4. S. V. Ahamed, P. P. Bohn, and N. L. Gottfried, “A Tutorial on Two-Wire Digital Transmission in the Loop Plant,” IEEE Trans. on Communications COM-29(Mov. 1981).
5. K. C. Kao and G.A. Hockham, “Dielectric-Fiber Surface Waveguides for Optical Frequencies,” Proc. IEE 113 p. 1151 (July 1966).