On Light, Colors, and the Origins of Spectroscopy


Longworth J. W.


Springer US

Reference177 articles.

1. Westfall, R. S. (1980): Never at Rest: A biography of Isaac Newton. Cambridge Univ. Press, Cambridge.

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4. Kepler, J. (1611): Dioptrice. Prague. (Reprinted 1962, Cambridge University Press, Cambridge.)

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1. Quantitative In Vitro Demonstration of Two-Photon Photodynamic Therapy Using Photofrin®and Visudyne®;Photochemistry and Photobiology;2007-11

2. The colour of light for neonatal phototherapy.;Archives of Disease in Childhood;1988-04-01

3. Fundamental Concepts in Photoimmunology and Photoallergy;Journal of Toxicology: Cutaneous and Ocular Toxicology;1985-01








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