1. J. Aylor, R. Waxman, B.W. Johnson, R.D. Williams, The integration of performance and functional modeling in VHDL, in “Performance and Fault Modeling with VHDL”, J.M. Schoen, Editor, Prentice-Hall, New Jersey, 1992, pp 22–145
2. J.P. Calvez, “Embedded Real-time Systems. A specification and Design Methodology”, John Wiley, 1993. Translation of the french version: Spécification et Conception des Systèmes: une Méthodologie, Editions Masson 1990
3. J.P. Calvez, D. Heller, O. Pasquier, “System performance modeling and analysis with VHDL: Benefits and limitations”, Proceedings of the VHDL-FORUM EUROPE Spring’95 Working Conference, IRESTE, Nantes, France, April 24-25, 1995, pp 1–14
4. J.P. Calvez, “ASICs Specification and Design ”, Chapman&Hall, London, June 1996. Traduction de 1a version française: Spécification et Conception des ASICs, Editions Masson 1993
5. J.P. Calvez, D. Isidoro, “A CoDesign experience with the MCSE methodology”, Proceedings of the Third International Workshop on Hardware/Software CoDesign, Grenoble, France, Sept 22-24, 1994, pp 140–147