1. G.E. Andrews, q-series, CBMS Regional Conference Series in Math, AMS 66 (1986)
2. K. Aomoto, Finiteness of a cohomology associated with certain Jackson integrals, Tohoku Math. J. 43 (1991), 75 - 101
3. K. Aomoto, 2 conjectural formulae for symmetric A-type Jackson integrals, preprint, 1992
4. On a theta product formula for the symmetric A-type connection function, to appear in Osaka J. Math.
5. K. Aomoto, On connection coefficients for q-difference system of A-type Jack- son integral, (dedicated to Prof. R. Askey on occasion of his 60th birthday), to appear in SIAM J. Math. Analysis, 25 (1994), 256 - 273