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2. Atz, James W., 1964b. Some principles and practxces of water management for marine aquariums, Seawater Systems for Experimental Aquariums, Bureau of Sport Fisheries and Wildlife, Report 3–13.
3. Brockway, Donald R., 1950. Metabolic products and their effects. Progressive Fish Culturist, 12(3): 127–129.
4. Burrows, Roger E, 1964. Effects of accumulated excretoxy products on hatchery reared salmonids, Bureau of Sport Fisheries and Wildlife, report, 66 1–11.
5. Collier, A. & K. Marvin, 1953. Stabilization of the phosphate ratio of seawater by freezing, U.S. Fish and Wildlife Bulletin #79, 54: 69–76.