1. E.R. Caianiello, M. Marinaro and G. Scarpetta, “Some unorthodox expansion in Quantum Field Theory and Statistical Mechanics”, Nuovo Cimento (in press).
2. E.R. Caianiello and G. Scarpetta, Nuovo Cimento 22A, 448 (1974).
3. W. Kainz, Lett. Nuovo Cimento 12, 217 (1975); H.G. Dosch, Nucl. Phys. B96, 525 (1975).
4. M. Marinaro, Nuovo Cimento 32A, 355 (1976).
5. We note, as a non-trivial point, that (5) yields one particular solution of the complete set of Green’s functions equations of ref. (2). The latter equations admit also solutions that, unlike those derived from (5), do not reduce to the s.u.1. free model when g → 0, and exist only when g> some fixed positive value. Solutions of this type (symmetry breaking?) can be derived also from a functional of type (5), provided the ∫du is taken over some range not symmetrical around u = 0.