1. Kohlberg, L. Moral stage scoring manual Unpublished manuscript, Laboratory of Human Development, School of Education, Harvard University, 1976.
2. Rest, J. Manual for the Defining Issue Test Unpublished manuscript, Department of Social and Psychological Foundations of Education, University of Minnesota, 1974.
3. Sprinthall, N. A high school curriculum in the psychology of counseling (Rep. 1). Unpublished report, Minneapolis Public Schools, 1973.
4. Erickson, V. L. Psychological growth for women: A high school curriculum intervention (Rep. 2). Unpublished report, Minneapolis Public Schools, 1973.
5. Rest, J. R., Ahlgren, C., & Mackey, J. Minneapolis Police report. Unpublished manuscript, University of Minnesota, 1972. (In Lawrence, 1980.)