1. A Review of Supercomputing, 1991-1994 EPSRC (1995)
2. Computational Research on the Cray T3D-the First Two Years,EPSRC, ISBN 1-899371-86-9 (October 1996)
3. HPCProfile is published six times a year by CLRC on behalf of the EPSRC, to disseminate information of interest to HPC and distributed computer users including the CCPs and HPCI consortia. It is available online at
/Publications or by free subscription to HPCProfile@dl.ac.uk
4. HPCNews is published by the University of Edinburgh Parallel Computing Centre to provide information on the national T3D and T3E service, related activities and information about the HPCI Consortia. Contact epcc-support@ed.ac.uk
5. M.F. Guest, J. van Lenthe and P. Sherwood, Concurrent Supercomputing at SERC Daresbury Laboratory Supercomputer 36 ASFRA (March 1990)