1. W. Al Salam, W. Allaway AND R. Askey, Sieved orthogonal polynomials, Trans. Amer. Math. Soc., 284 (1984), pp. 39–55.
2. W. Allaway, The identification of a class of orthogonal polynomials, Ph.D. thesis, University of Alberta, Canada, 1972.
3. W. Allaway, Some properties of the q-Hermite polynomials, Canadian J. Math., 32 (1980), pp. 686–694.
4. R. Askey, Limits of some q-Laguerre polynomials, J. Approximation Theory, 46 (1986), pp. 213–216.
5. R. Askey, A integral of Ram an uj an and orthogonal polynomials, J. Indian Math. Soc. (to appear).