1. LATARJET R., Quantitative mutagenesis by chemicals and by U.V. and ionizing radiations : prerequisites for the establishment of rad-equivalences—VII International Congress on Photobiolo gy, Rome, 1976, p. 17.
2. MOUSTACHI E., CHANET R. and HEUDE M., Ionizing and ultraviolet radiations : comparisons of their genetic effects and repair in yeast—VII International Congress on Photobiology, Rome, 1976, p. 19.
3. JUNG H., SONTAG W., LUCKE-HUHLE C., WEIBEZAHN K.F. and DERTINGER H., Effects on vacuum-UV and excited gases on DNA ; VII International Congress on Photobiology, Rome, 1976, p. 39.
4. IPPEN H., Photophysiological research-preventive medicine VII International Congress on Photobiology, Rome, 1976, p. 39–.
5. WISKEMANN A., Sunlight and Melanomas—VII International Congress on Photobiology, Rome, 1976, p. 47.