1. Å. Ekstrcem and E. Albertsson. “Electrically triggered thyristors still have the edge”. Transmission and Distribution (Oct 1986). pp. 65–69.
2. G. Addis, B. L. Dansky and R. Nakata. “Advanced HVDC valve”, Proc. IEE no. 255 (1985), pp. 340–345.
3. K. Murabayashi, T. Takahashi, S. Tanabe, H. Ikegame, S. Motegi, S. Kobayashi and N. Itoh. “Development of a 500 kV light-triggered thyristor valve for HVDC transmission”, Proc. IEEE MONTECH ′86, pp. 161–167.
4. B. E. Danielsson, “HVDC valve with light-triggered thyristors”, Proc. IEE no. 345 (1991), pp. 159–164.
5. Hydro-Quebec HVDC Project Administration; private communication.