1. W.A. Kaysser, “Comparative Investigations of Liquid Phase Sintering of the Systems Fe-Cu, Fe-Sn, Cu-Bi, Cu-Sn, Ni-Bi, W-Cu,” Doctoral Thesis, Technical University, Stuttgart (1978).
2. H.E. Exner and E. Linck, “Image Analysis for Characterization of Size-and Shape Distribution of Lead Powders,” Powder Metallurgy International, Vol. 9, p. 131–133 (1977).
3. H. Riegger, “Compacting Mechanisms during Liquid Phase Sintering,” Doctoral Thesis, Technical University, Stuttgart (1977).
4. W.A. Kaysser, “Some Model Experiments about the Rearrangement Process during Liquid Phase Sintering,” in Contemporary Inorganic Materials 1978 (G. Petzow and W.J. Huppman, Editors) p. 41–44 (1978).
5. W.A. Kaysser, W.J. Huppmann and G. Petzow, “Comparative Metallographic Investigations of Fe-Cu, Fe-Sn, Cu-Sn, and Cu-Bi Sintered Materials,” in Pract. Metallography, Spec. Edition 10 (F. Jeglitsch, G. Petzow, Editors), Dr. Riederer-Verlag, Stuttgart, p. 553–559 (1979).