1. BRC (2011) British Retail Consortium, “BRC global standard for food safety, Issue 6”, effective date January 2012, TSO (The Stationary Office), London.
2. EC (2006) “Mechanical Engineering. Directive 2006/42/EC on Machinery.”
3. Fraser, I. (2010) (ed.) Guide to the application of the Machinery Directive 2006/42/EC, 2nd edit., European Commission—Enterprise and Industry, June, 404 pp. Available online at
4. Green, D.W and Perry, R.H. (2008a) (eds) “Perry’s chemical engineers’ handbook”, 8th edit., McGraw-Hill, New York, Section 10, pp.20–36.
5. Green, D.W and Perry, R.H. (2008b) (eds) “Perry’s chemical engineers’ handbook”, 8th edit., McGraw-Hill, New York, Section 8, pp.48–49.