1. Darnell, J.E., Philipson, L., Wall, R., and Adesnik, M. (1971) Polyadenylic acid sequences: role in the conversion of nuclear RNA into messenger RNA. Science
174, 507–10. One of the first papers to connect the poly(A) found in the hnRNA with that in the mRNA.
2. Humphrey, T. and Proudfoot, N. J., (1988) A begining to the biochemistry of polyadenylation. Trends in Genetics
4, 243–4. An update on possible roles for the poly(A) sequence.
3. Chambon, P. (1981) Split genes. Scientific American
244(11), 48–59 is a review describing the discovery of discontinuous genes and a description of the splicing pathway for the chicken ovalbumin pre-mRNA.
4. Sharp, P. A. (1987) Splicing of messenger RNA precursors. Science
235, 766–71,
5. and Padgett, R. A. et al. (1985) Splicing messenger RNA precursors: branch sites and lariat RNAs. Trends in Biochemical Sciences
10, 154–7. Two scholarly reviews describing how splicing occurs.